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Saturday 12 November 2011

Self Promotion


We were asked to promote ourselves by making a creative C.V.  We basically had to sell ourselves. Our clients are our potential future emloyers, Graphic Designers. The self promotion had to include a “corporate” identity: Business cards, Letter heads, Complementary slips etc. We also were asked to make a Logo, a regular C.V. and a Creative C.V. 

I started this Identity project by asking myself who am I? Who is Kelvin Young? I looked at all the things that interested me and how each one of those things have molded me to who I am as a designer. The biggest influence I found was the influence the music I listen to. I myself play guitar and always looking for new music to inspire me. I’d usually look for a lyric from any song that I can relate to the design that I am working on. One of my most favourite bands are Switchfoot their music is meaningful and full of inspiration speaking of everyday issues. Switchfoots Lead singer Jon Foreman is one of the few artists out there that has inspired me audibly and visually as in his solo albums he came up with his own designs which is one of my favourite album designs, which for this project I have gotten my inspiration.  

Design has become my life! As design is my life I thought I’d start there with the concept of the tree of life making it more applicable to design. which led me to the begining stages of my logo. Design is my Life

My logo was designed with the Idea of the tree of life in mind. I wanted to design a logo solely made up of type, as type is a huge aspect of design. I designed my own tree of life that is made from type and only type which represents Design is my life in the form of a tree.  The slogen of the logo is Kelvin Young Design is my life

The type I used to make upe the tree and grass is my own hand written font that was inspired by Jon Foreman’s handwritten font found on his album Limbs and Branches

The Type I used for my name and slogen are Century Gothic. Size 60pt and leadind 72 for my name and for the Slogen size of 26pt and a leading of 31pt.

Compliments Slip, Business Cards, Letterhead


Creative C.V.

Display Board for Business Cards

Alternate Business Card and Key Ring

DVD and DVD Cover

Thursday 10 November 2011

Project CONE


For this project we were asked to make a 20sec video promoting environmental awareness in conjunction with the organisation, project CONE (consever our natural environment). We were asked to also Brand project Cone by giving it a logo as it is not a developed brand yet. 

We had 4 areas we coluld choose from to cover in the 20sec video

1. Global Warming
2. Over population
3. Loss of bio diversity
4. Alternate energy source

I  chose to make 2 20sec videos on dipicting Alternate energy souces the other global warming. 

Conceptualizing and Development:

Alternate Energy Resources:
I chose wind power to go with, considering my target market I thought one of the ways to catch their attention is through humor. The whole idea of this video was to think of a funny way to depict wind energy. As soon as I thought of wind I thought of passing wind (farting). I thought of making a guy fart and that would turn on power. This video I filmed with my Panasonic Lumix camera using the video option, I later brought in the sound using Adobe Premier Pro as I had recorded the sound separately. I  filmed my friend Brendon Widd pretending to have problems with his Lounge Lamp, from which he eventually gets frustrated with and places the chord in his pants and farts and the lamp turns on. 

Global Warming: 

Global Warming is really all about manking destroying their own home, planet earth. So for this video I wanted to make a exploding earth with the catch phrase STOP GLOBAL WARMING. Simple and straight to the point. I chose to go with an animation style that is very computer graphic in nature, I started by bainting a vert simple map of the earth, which I brought into Adobe After Effects and added the effect CC sphere to make the mape spherical and animated the rotation to rotate the earth, for the stars i made generated the Fractal Noice effect. To make the earth explode I used the CC Shatter effect. To make the earth look like it was dying I too a photo of a red textured wall at my house and I overlayed it over the original earth painting I made. 

project CONE logo:

To start off I had to consider Conserve our Natural Evironment, basically to protect our own natural habitat which is planet Earth. The obvious reason why I used a cone in the logo is because the cone is in the name of the organisation, but further in traffic signs a traffic cone is used as a warning to those driving on the road and to protect the driver from any harm, therefore I thought using a cone in the logo would be appropriate as the whole campaign of project cone is to make  us aware of the danger we are putting ourselves and the planet in. I used a vine wrapping around the cone to hint to the Idea that this is about the environment as in many cultures a vine is a symbol of life.

I used the free font LINKIN PARK at 55pts for the “PROJECT CONE” type and for the and for “Conserve Our Natural Environment” I used the font Abadi MT Condensed Light at 24pts. The reason why I chose these two fonts is because that they read easy together and as they contrast in boldness as LINKIN PARK is bold and Abadi MT Condensed Light is not bold as the name suggests.

Alternate Energy:
The scence opens up with young man attempting to switch on a lamp in his lounge, however he experiences difficulty turning on the lamp. He begins to get frustrated and trys to find the source of the problem, but he can’t find it. He eventually gets so frustrated that he un plugs the lamp and shoves the plug in his pants and forces out a fart which is so powerful it turns on the lamp.. 

Global Warming
The scene opens up with a healthy blue spinning earth. As the video goes on the earth begins to become redder and less healthy looking eventually it gets so hot that it explodes. Then writing appears on the screen saying stop Global Warming. 


Wednesday 9 November 2011


For this Particular Project we were asked to Design the beginnings of a Cookbook, The Front and back Cover, the Contents page and 2 recipe page.

I decided to design a cookbook based on the baking of My moms sister Patricia Mare or Aunty Pattie.


Contents page

Recipe 1

Recipe 2

Saturday 3 September 2011

Editorial andillustration


We were given 4 articles from which we had to choose only one, then were to ask to illustrate that particular article. Once we had our illustration ready we were asked to layout the article along with the illustration. For the editorial I chose to base my grid on the popular music magazine, Clash, based in the U.K. as the article I chose refers to the Emo culture and thought that this topic would go well into a music Magazine

First Spread 

Double page spread for Editorial
Single spread or the editorial
Second Spread 

Double page spread for Editorial
Single spread or the 2nd editorial

Illustration process 

Friday 2 September 2011

Packaging Design


This project was separated into 2 parts. Firstly we were asked to choose between redesigning the packaging of a food franchise or redesigning a doughnut box that can fit 5 doughnuts. The design had to be innovative and different to the already existing 

The second part of the project we were asked to design a vitamin dispenser for which we had to bare in mind the elderly with particular reference to those with Arthritis. 

Part one:

Redesigning KFC's current packaging

 Current KFC packaging:

The current range of KFC packaging is under threat as it is said that it is not environmentally friendly. KFC has released a new environmentally friendly range of packaging that is yet to reach South Africa. The Current range of packaging is in many ways environmentally unfriendly from the kind of materials used in this packaging to the actual size to which it is printed to.

I have chosen 3 items of the current range to redesign. The Burger Box, the Chip Box and the Boxmaster.

The Burger box is slightly bigger than an A4 page therefore when printing it will have to be fitted to an A3 page. 

to fix this I had decided to make the burger box bigger rather than shrink it to fit to an A4.

For me the issue with the chip box was that it was difficult to fit a hand in to grab the chips and eat them as the design was that of a cilinder and is rather narrow. The Chip box is also slightly bigger than an A4 page therefore when printing it will have to be fitted to an A3 page.

To rectify this i decided to change the  shape of the box and to make it wider.

The Boxmaster to me had unneeded extra parts to it. and it is Slightly bigger than a A4 page again waisting paper like the chip box and burger box.

For this I changed the shape again. And got rid of the unneeded top which is replaced with a paper that is wrapped around the Wrap.   

My Packaging:
This is the mark up shot of the package re-design, for KFC’s Burger box, Chip Box and Boxmaster

For this I changed the shape again. And got rid of the unneeded top which is replaced with a paper that is wrapped around the Wrap, thus saving space on paper. and it is easier for the consumer to use that they don’t have to tear off anything and making more rubbish in the process.  

The Chip box is designed to be more friendly to the consumer, for the consumer to be-able to fit their hand in with ease. The original fitted on to a A3 waisting alot of paper as the design was small on the page, this design of mine is bigger there for using the full capasity of the A3 paper. 

Designed to be different and evironmentally friendly. The Shape is that of a pentagon. When unfolded to be flat it fits on an A3 page not waisting too much paper

Part TWO:


My design for the dispenser for a New Multi-vitamin is based on the design of the Tic Tak bottle. What I have changed from the original Tic Tak design is that I want the despenser to be textured so that people, in particular the elderly, to have a better grip on the container. And I changed how the lid opens as it would be too easy for children to open, the way the lid works is that one must apply an downward force to the lid to unlock it and then push the lid up while still pressing down. The container is designed to fit both captules and pills for diversity, as certain customers have a preference of captules over pills or visa versa. 

The brand for this dispenser will be called Neo+vite, Neo meaning new and vite being the shorter version of vitamin. The “Key” word of the brand is “new”. As one of the main target markets for this Multivitamin is the elderly, as the elderly often wish they were young again. Neo or new is supposed to give the consumer the  idea that with this vitamin comes “new life”. To continue the idea of “new” I made the main colour featured on the brand green as green is the colour of growth and Life in some cultures.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Corporate Identity: Point Water Sports Club

The Brief:

Brand Identity/Logo Design:
I am required to design the new logo For the The Point Watersports Club (P.W.C) and the over all brand Identity across it’s various platforms. The brand identity will need to be coherent over it’s various platforms dnd should represent the several clubs that will form the new Super-Club

The Point Watersports Club:
Is a super-club that will be essential to the Point Waterfront Development. The super Club will be comprised of the Durban Undersea Club, the Durban Ski-boat Club and the Point Yacht Club. The Point Watersports Club will be situated at Vetch’s Beach.

This development will cost Millions even billions of Rands, this will bring up the fees of the respective clubs and the costs to buy into the area will be high, Thus this area will be for the elite offering a luxurious and top of the range lifestyle therefore potential resident.

The Direction I took:

The Point Waterfront development is solely a money making scheme, this is as corporate as it gets. As this development is going to be top of the range and chic the Corporate Design, Logo and branding needs to give the feeling of “we mean business”, “we are professional”, “we are as good as it gets”, “we are Elite”, “We offer Prestige” We are Luxurious”.

“I think the Key to making the brand work is to make it give off the feeling of it being Elite, Prestige and Professional.“

Logo Conceptualizing: 

What Should the Logo be like?
I started with where I left off with what the brand of the club is going to be all about. Elite, Professional, and prestige.

With this in mind I began my search for the concept behind the logo.
I started with the word Sports and I came across the word Adrenaline, the feeling a person gets when they feel they can do anything, the rush of excitement from doing something that is either scary, competitive, or exciting. When you have an adrenaline rush you feel you can do anything you feel you can conquer anything. 
I thought this would be a very interesting direction to take as it directly relates to the aspect of being on top/the best.

However I continued the research and I left the concept of sports and went onto Water, as that is the only thing linking the three clubs together, and there I focused around the idea of waves. However although the logos I came up with looked “Cool” they had to concept to them. 

I then did research on the terminology around, Sailing, ski-Boating and yachting. There I came across the word Wake, which is the trail of waves that a boat makes. There I thought of the Idea “Out with old in with the New”, “being left behind.” I thought that this is a perfect concept for new development as the Point Waterfront Development was getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. 

Then I thought why don’t I combine the idea of the Wake With the Idea of adrenaline as with something new there is always a sense of uncertainty and excitement, and the feeling of being left behind give a rush of adrenaline, as you would want to catch up. In other words being “Left in the Wake” 

And there I had it the concept for the Logo and brand for the Point Watersports Club.  “Left in the Wake.” 

The Logo and sub logos for PWC

All the stationary

Branding and Advertising
PWC Vehicle

Wednesday 10 August 2011


What is your life? In a blink of an eye, It's a mist passing by, on the Canvas of time!

For this particular project we were asked to take an photograph that was inspired by a lyric of our own choice.
We had to do the lighting ourselves and take the photo ourself, as an component for drawing. 

I chose the lyric "What is your life? In the blink of an eye it's the mist passing by on the Canvas of time!" by an South African Band Called Eversight, the name of the song is What is your life track no. 2 on their album Lost in Wonder.  

I took the photo on the old main road in Queensburgh at about 6 O' Clock on a saturday evening. The model is my friend Brendon Wiid. 

I wanted to give the feeling of an busy atmosphere with the main focus of the photo, which is a person that seems like he's contemplating life amongst the hustle and bustle of life.