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Thursday 31 March 2011

The HANGTEN Hoodie

The brief:

We are looking to create an interactive project, where you'll be teamed up and required to individualise your hangten hoodie. Each individual in the team will have to add their own artistic touch, be it illustration, words, badges or other items that show your individual taste.We want the hoodie to feel like its going on a journey. Its been a reliable item that will bring back a great time of moment in your life. 

The team : 

Kelvin Young & Saiesh Naidoo
Collaboration between saiesh naidoo and kelvin young

Saiesh naidoo 

Fine arty, hands on designer (uses mixed media)

Kelvin young
Simplified taste with illustraton art

Saiesh Naidoo                                                          Kelvin Young

Creating the contrast

Creating something different...

We were working on a design for the hoodie  that suited the theme . the freedom of doing whatever we felt like made it easy for us to generate ideas.

Idea 1, from sketch 1 the idea of just using our African culture (with a taste from each culture)we created  variety by generating the concept of using two different techniques.we decided and agrred on   using a technique on the hoodie that was traditional. Which was lino printing an old but effective contemporary form used in many designs today.
Lino prints
Vectored drawings from photography and art works

to futher the contrast we decided to allocate kelvin with vector clean cut illustratons which would be drawn out from images of both our experiences. As we wanted to have a simple comic on the back of the hoodie.and for the front we wanted to do a lino which would include images that represented things surrounding africa.

 These were the illustrations Kelvin did.

These were the Lino that Saiesh did with Kelvin's Help

The Vector Comic Kelvin did

lino printing process

step 1
lino roller and ink

step 2. 
the ink for the lino

step 3.
roll out the ink onto the roller

step 4. 
roll on the ink thinly to the roller so it just bases the roller with one layer of ink evenly.

step 5. 
roll on the ink with the roller evenly covering the sheet of lino.

step 6.
we put the lino to dry in an oven bed.

step 7
when lino is dry, you engrave using different blades of choice,i chose to use an enty cutter blade.

step 8.
when lino is cut we then apply oil based paint with a roller over the cutting.

Step 9
We then get a clean sheet of paper and place it over the painted etching and we place it in a printing press to be pressed so the image can be transferred to the clean sheet of paper.

Printing on the Hoodie

This was a hard thought through process because there are many different ways to get a image onto fabric. one of the many methods was silk screening that we wanted to do by ourselves in the fine art section of our college, we sought help from one of the fine art lectures, after he explained to us the process we realized it would take too long as it is almost a 2 day process. So the method we went with was iron on transfers that would be the cheapest and most effective way to transfer the image across. 

Finished Hoodie


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