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Tuesday 29 March 2011


In this project we were asked to make a one Minute movie describing what Anti-Design is. We were separated into a team of 5 people to execute this task.

What is Anti-Design: 
Anti-Design to me is a trend created to appose popular beliefs, and change a persons perspective on something. 


The actual video that the team is going to make is going to be still images of popular ideas of a subject and saying that this is not that subject for example in art We will have an image of a painting say the Scream by Edvard Munch, which will have an phrase saying this is not Art. Then end the video with the line “this is not design… this is not a difficult concept.”

Purpose for the video

The whole purpose of this video is to take the idea of Anti-Design and strip it down to the cleanest form of its meaning, without it been sugar coated.

So for the means of simplicity we had to brainstorm things that are simple and give a clear idication that it is confusing yet understandable for elements that can be included in the video.

White noise or T.V. static
Test screen
Hand written fonts...

This is the completed Video...

Viral Campaign  Concept:

In this part of the project we had to work Individually to create our own Viral Campaign.

Viral is spreading an idea or concept cheaply effectively and in a interesting way.

Idea: The movie The Social Network.
Facebook started amongst students spreading from friend to friend or by word of mouth. So I figured everyone these days has access to the internet and email. So I figured my viral campaign can be sent via email to people, but my viral must be something that when the reader opens it, they want to find out more and forward the email to friends.

So I decided to make a series of controversial posters that are topics of many discussions in today’s society such as Self Mutilation, Substance abuse, pornography, social networking etc. with the catch phrase this is not (whatever the topic is) and then saying this is not a difficult concept with a link to the youtube video of our 1minute movie, very much like our video.

This will get people thinking when they see the poster “but hang on this is Self-Mutilation, how is this not a hard concept because it is!” this will make the person want to look further into the topic which will eventually have them clicking on the link and bringing them to our video.     

         Viral Posters

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YouTube Page 


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