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Sunday 14 August 2011

Corporate Identity: Point Water Sports Club

The Brief:

Brand Identity/Logo Design:
I am required to design the new logo For the The Point Watersports Club (P.W.C) and the over all brand Identity across it’s various platforms. The brand identity will need to be coherent over it’s various platforms dnd should represent the several clubs that will form the new Super-Club

The Point Watersports Club:
Is a super-club that will be essential to the Point Waterfront Development. The super Club will be comprised of the Durban Undersea Club, the Durban Ski-boat Club and the Point Yacht Club. The Point Watersports Club will be situated at Vetch’s Beach.

This development will cost Millions even billions of Rands, this will bring up the fees of the respective clubs and the costs to buy into the area will be high, Thus this area will be for the elite offering a luxurious and top of the range lifestyle therefore potential resident.

The Direction I took:

The Point Waterfront development is solely a money making scheme, this is as corporate as it gets. As this development is going to be top of the range and chic the Corporate Design, Logo and branding needs to give the feeling of “we mean business”, “we are professional”, “we are as good as it gets”, “we are Elite”, “We offer Prestige” We are Luxurious”.

“I think the Key to making the brand work is to make it give off the feeling of it being Elite, Prestige and Professional.“

Logo Conceptualizing: 

What Should the Logo be like?
I started with where I left off with what the brand of the club is going to be all about. Elite, Professional, and prestige.

With this in mind I began my search for the concept behind the logo.
I started with the word Sports and I came across the word Adrenaline, the feeling a person gets when they feel they can do anything, the rush of excitement from doing something that is either scary, competitive, or exciting. When you have an adrenaline rush you feel you can do anything you feel you can conquer anything. 
I thought this would be a very interesting direction to take as it directly relates to the aspect of being on top/the best.

However I continued the research and I left the concept of sports and went onto Water, as that is the only thing linking the three clubs together, and there I focused around the idea of waves. However although the logos I came up with looked “Cool” they had to concept to them. 

I then did research on the terminology around, Sailing, ski-Boating and yachting. There I came across the word Wake, which is the trail of waves that a boat makes. There I thought of the Idea “Out with old in with the New”, “being left behind.” I thought that this is a perfect concept for new development as the Point Waterfront Development was getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. 

Then I thought why don’t I combine the idea of the Wake With the Idea of adrenaline as with something new there is always a sense of uncertainty and excitement, and the feeling of being left behind give a rush of adrenaline, as you would want to catch up. In other words being “Left in the Wake” 

And there I had it the concept for the Logo and brand for the Point Watersports Club.  “Left in the Wake.” 

The Logo and sub logos for PWC

All the stationary

Branding and Advertising
PWC Vehicle

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