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Friday 2 September 2011

Packaging Design


This project was separated into 2 parts. Firstly we were asked to choose between redesigning the packaging of a food franchise or redesigning a doughnut box that can fit 5 doughnuts. The design had to be innovative and different to the already existing 

The second part of the project we were asked to design a vitamin dispenser for which we had to bare in mind the elderly with particular reference to those with Arthritis. 

Part one:

Redesigning KFC's current packaging

 Current KFC packaging:

The current range of KFC packaging is under threat as it is said that it is not environmentally friendly. KFC has released a new environmentally friendly range of packaging that is yet to reach South Africa. The Current range of packaging is in many ways environmentally unfriendly from the kind of materials used in this packaging to the actual size to which it is printed to.

I have chosen 3 items of the current range to redesign. The Burger Box, the Chip Box and the Boxmaster.

The Burger box is slightly bigger than an A4 page therefore when printing it will have to be fitted to an A3 page. 

to fix this I had decided to make the burger box bigger rather than shrink it to fit to an A4.

For me the issue with the chip box was that it was difficult to fit a hand in to grab the chips and eat them as the design was that of a cilinder and is rather narrow. The Chip box is also slightly bigger than an A4 page therefore when printing it will have to be fitted to an A3 page.

To rectify this i decided to change the  shape of the box and to make it wider.

The Boxmaster to me had unneeded extra parts to it. and it is Slightly bigger than a A4 page again waisting paper like the chip box and burger box.

For this I changed the shape again. And got rid of the unneeded top which is replaced with a paper that is wrapped around the Wrap.   

My Packaging:
This is the mark up shot of the package re-design, for KFC’s Burger box, Chip Box and Boxmaster

For this I changed the shape again. And got rid of the unneeded top which is replaced with a paper that is wrapped around the Wrap, thus saving space on paper. and it is easier for the consumer to use that they don’t have to tear off anything and making more rubbish in the process.  

The Chip box is designed to be more friendly to the consumer, for the consumer to be-able to fit their hand in with ease. The original fitted on to a A3 waisting alot of paper as the design was small on the page, this design of mine is bigger there for using the full capasity of the A3 paper. 

Designed to be different and evironmentally friendly. The Shape is that of a pentagon. When unfolded to be flat it fits on an A3 page not waisting too much paper

Part TWO:


My design for the dispenser for a New Multi-vitamin is based on the design of the Tic Tak bottle. What I have changed from the original Tic Tak design is that I want the despenser to be textured so that people, in particular the elderly, to have a better grip on the container. And I changed how the lid opens as it would be too easy for children to open, the way the lid works is that one must apply an downward force to the lid to unlock it and then push the lid up while still pressing down. The container is designed to fit both captules and pills for diversity, as certain customers have a preference of captules over pills or visa versa. 

The brand for this dispenser will be called Neo+vite, Neo meaning new and vite being the shorter version of vitamin. The “Key” word of the brand is “new”. As one of the main target markets for this Multivitamin is the elderly, as the elderly often wish they were young again. Neo or new is supposed to give the consumer the  idea that with this vitamin comes “new life”. To continue the idea of “new” I made the main colour featured on the brand green as green is the colour of growth and Life in some cultures.

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