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Thursday 10 November 2011

Project CONE


For this project we were asked to make a 20sec video promoting environmental awareness in conjunction with the organisation, project CONE (consever our natural environment). We were asked to also Brand project Cone by giving it a logo as it is not a developed brand yet. 

We had 4 areas we coluld choose from to cover in the 20sec video

1. Global Warming
2. Over population
3. Loss of bio diversity
4. Alternate energy source

I  chose to make 2 20sec videos on dipicting Alternate energy souces the other global warming. 

Conceptualizing and Development:

Alternate Energy Resources:
I chose wind power to go with, considering my target market I thought one of the ways to catch their attention is through humor. The whole idea of this video was to think of a funny way to depict wind energy. As soon as I thought of wind I thought of passing wind (farting). I thought of making a guy fart and that would turn on power. This video I filmed with my Panasonic Lumix camera using the video option, I later brought in the sound using Adobe Premier Pro as I had recorded the sound separately. I  filmed my friend Brendon Widd pretending to have problems with his Lounge Lamp, from which he eventually gets frustrated with and places the chord in his pants and farts and the lamp turns on. 

Global Warming: 

Global Warming is really all about manking destroying their own home, planet earth. So for this video I wanted to make a exploding earth with the catch phrase STOP GLOBAL WARMING. Simple and straight to the point. I chose to go with an animation style that is very computer graphic in nature, I started by bainting a vert simple map of the earth, which I brought into Adobe After Effects and added the effect CC sphere to make the mape spherical and animated the rotation to rotate the earth, for the stars i made generated the Fractal Noice effect. To make the earth explode I used the CC Shatter effect. To make the earth look like it was dying I too a photo of a red textured wall at my house and I overlayed it over the original earth painting I made. 

project CONE logo:

To start off I had to consider Conserve our Natural Evironment, basically to protect our own natural habitat which is planet Earth. The obvious reason why I used a cone in the logo is because the cone is in the name of the organisation, but further in traffic signs a traffic cone is used as a warning to those driving on the road and to protect the driver from any harm, therefore I thought using a cone in the logo would be appropriate as the whole campaign of project cone is to make  us aware of the danger we are putting ourselves and the planet in. I used a vine wrapping around the cone to hint to the Idea that this is about the environment as in many cultures a vine is a symbol of life.

I used the free font LINKIN PARK at 55pts for the “PROJECT CONE” type and for the and for “Conserve Our Natural Environment” I used the font Abadi MT Condensed Light at 24pts. The reason why I chose these two fonts is because that they read easy together and as they contrast in boldness as LINKIN PARK is bold and Abadi MT Condensed Light is not bold as the name suggests.

Alternate Energy:
The scence opens up with young man attempting to switch on a lamp in his lounge, however he experiences difficulty turning on the lamp. He begins to get frustrated and trys to find the source of the problem, but he can’t find it. He eventually gets so frustrated that he un plugs the lamp and shoves the plug in his pants and forces out a fart which is so powerful it turns on the lamp.. 

Global Warming
The scene opens up with a healthy blue spinning earth. As the video goes on the earth begins to become redder and less healthy looking eventually it gets so hot that it explodes. Then writing appears on the screen saying stop Global Warming. 


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