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Saturday 12 November 2011

Self Promotion


We were asked to promote ourselves by making a creative C.V.  We basically had to sell ourselves. Our clients are our potential future emloyers, Graphic Designers. The self promotion had to include a “corporate” identity: Business cards, Letter heads, Complementary slips etc. We also were asked to make a Logo, a regular C.V. and a Creative C.V. 

I started this Identity project by asking myself who am I? Who is Kelvin Young? I looked at all the things that interested me and how each one of those things have molded me to who I am as a designer. The biggest influence I found was the influence the music I listen to. I myself play guitar and always looking for new music to inspire me. I’d usually look for a lyric from any song that I can relate to the design that I am working on. One of my most favourite bands are Switchfoot their music is meaningful and full of inspiration speaking of everyday issues. Switchfoots Lead singer Jon Foreman is one of the few artists out there that has inspired me audibly and visually as in his solo albums he came up with his own designs which is one of my favourite album designs, which for this project I have gotten my inspiration.  

Design has become my life! As design is my life I thought I’d start there with the concept of the tree of life making it more applicable to design. which led me to the begining stages of my logo. Design is my Life

My logo was designed with the Idea of the tree of life in mind. I wanted to design a logo solely made up of type, as type is a huge aspect of design. I designed my own tree of life that is made from type and only type which represents Design is my life in the form of a tree.  The slogen of the logo is Kelvin Young Design is my life

The type I used to make upe the tree and grass is my own hand written font that was inspired by Jon Foreman’s handwritten font found on his album Limbs and Branches

The Type I used for my name and slogen are Century Gothic. Size 60pt and leadind 72 for my name and for the Slogen size of 26pt and a leading of 31pt.

Compliments Slip, Business Cards, Letterhead


Creative C.V.

Display Board for Business Cards

Alternate Business Card and Key Ring

DVD and DVD Cover

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